Cho Oyu Base Camp and Ama Dablam Base Camp Trek

  • Admin
  • Updated on Jun 19, 2024

Cho Oyu Base Camp and Ama Dablam Base Camp Trek is a spectacular combination for the trek lovers. The Khumbu Everest Trek takes one to the foothills of the mightiest of the mountains in the world. En-route, traverse through rhododendron and pine forests, rivers, Sherpa villages and Buddhist Monasteries from temperate to snow line regions. The Himalayas are best seen on this trek as one traces the main route through the Khumbu region from the Sherpa town of Namche Bazaar. Trekkers get a close view of the world’s greatest mountains, Everest, Lhotse, Nuptse, Thamserku, Tawache and others.

Table of Contents

Cho Oyu Base Camp and Ama Dablam Base Camp Trek is a spectacular combination for the trek lovers. The Khumbu Everest Trek takes one to the foothills of the mightiest of the mountains in the world. En-route, traverse through rhododendron and pine forests, rivers, Sherpa villages and Buddhist Monasteries from temperate to snow line regions. The Himalayas are best seen on this trek as one traces the main route through the Khumbu region from the Sherpa town of Namche Bazaar. Trekkers get a close view of the world’s greatest mountains, Everest, Lhotse, Nuptse, Thamserku, Tawache and others.

                                              NEPAL AT A GLANCE

  • Capital : Kathmandu
  • Area :147,181 square kilometers.
  • Geography : Situated between China to the north and India to its south, east and west.
  • Population : 23,151,423 (2001 census)
  • Language :Nepali is the national language however travel-trade people understand and speak English as well
  • People :Nepal has more than 61 ethnic groups and 70 spoken languages
  • Religion :Majority of people in Nepal is Hindu. However, there is a harmonious blending of Hinduism & Buddhism in Nepal.
  • Currency :Nepali Rupee. Bank notes come in denominations of 1000/500/250/100/50/25/20/10/5/2/1.
  • Time :Nepal’s standard time is 5 hours and 45 minutes ahead of GMT and 15 minutes ahead of Indian Standard Time.
  • Holiday :Government offices are closed on Saturdays, although many shops and tourist facilities remain open.
  • Climate : NEPAL has 4 seasons, namely: Winter-December to February, Spring-March to May, Summer-June to August, Autumn-September to November.

Nepal and Nepalese people are always heartened to welcome tourists from every nook and cranny of the world. Let yourself to feel, experience, explore and enjoy history, art, culture, tradition, scenery, warmth and hospitality of our people and country. You shall always cherish the memory of this wonderful country.

Have a pleasant holiday in Nepal!!

FEATURES of Cho Oyu Base Camp  and Ama Dablam Base Camp Trek

  • A. Mountains: The Khumbu Himalaya Range: Everest, Lhotse, Thamserku, Ama Dablam, Nuptse, Tawatse, Kantega, Pumo Ri, etc.
  • B. Rivers: Bhote Kosi and Dudh Kosi.
  • C. Ethnic Villages & Tribes: Mostly Sherpas and Tibetans in the villages like Namche Bazaar, Thyangboche, Pheriche, Lobuche, Lukla, etc. with monasteries, chortens and Mani stones.
  • E. Forests: Rhododendron and Pine.
  • F. Landscapes: Varying from temperate valleys to snow clad mountains.

G. Grade: 4

I. Warning: Altitude Sickness

WELCOME TO NEPAL Cho Oyu Base Camp and Ama Dablam Base Camp Trek !!

Welcome to Nepal !! A country that offers a lifetime experience for everyone from around the globe. A holiday in Nepal offers romance and adventure Cho Oyu Base Camp Ama Dablam Base Camp Trek  from the spectacular Himalayas to exotic wildlife safari, exhilarating white water rafting, mystifying variety of flora and fauna, charismatic arts and cultures and some of the best walking trails on earth combined with stirring adventurous bustles.

“Nepal” being embellished with gleaming Himalayan range in the north and adorned with lowland greenery in the south, has always lingered in a class of its own as a magical, mysterious and marvelous tourist destination and remains evermore.
This Himalayan Kingdom, precisely known as the “Land of Mount Everest” and the “Land of Living Goddess-Kumari” is dignified by the heroism of its brave warrior ancestors-“The “Gurkhas”.

Cho Oyu Base Camp Ama Dablam Base Camp Trek

Many people dream of conquering Everest (8848m), but not all can succeed. We can take you very close to the dream – to Everest Base Camp, to the foot of the world’s highest mountain. The Everest Base Camp Trek offers not only the thrill and experience of the most Adventurous Trekking in the world but also the chance to meet the local Sherpa people and become immersed in their rich cultural heritage.

The thrill and excitement of the Cho Oyu Base Camp Ama Dablam Base Camp Trek will become a lifelong memory from the very beginning. First flying from Kathmandu to Lukla only one airport in Khumbu Sagarmatha , through the huge mountainous walls of the Himalayas to the small landing strip high up at Lukla and then commencing the trek to the majestic Mount Everest. The trail runs through the Sagarmatha National Park, where the most diverse flora and fauna of the mountainous region can be seen. From mountain pines to blooming Rhododendrons and at higher altitudes the vulnerable and rare red pandas can be seen.

On the journey you will pass through the famous Phortse village home of the Mountaineers amongst others, and have opportunity to experience peaceful and harmonious atmosphere of the sherpa village who live there. You will also pass through several Sherpa villages in several town where you will have the chance to interact with the local people and learn about their culture and way of life.

As you climb higher and higher the dramatic landscape within Cho Oyu Base camp Ama Dablam Base Camp Trek . From Dingboche , you will walk amongst frozen rivers in an icy wilderness. When you reach Ama dablam Base Camp you will be surrounded by panoramic views of the mountains, Majestic of Mt. Ama Dablam.

Details Itinerary of Cho Oyu and Ama Dablam Base camp

Day 01: Arrival pick up transfer to Hotel and Orientation.

Pick-up at Tribhuvan International Airport , meeting with your guide a nd transfer to Hotel. First impressions of Kathmandu – walk to medieval Kathmandu Durbar Square and explore the beautiful complex of palaces, temples, shrines and courtyards built by the ancient Nepali kings between the 12th and 18th century. We also discover Thamel – the vibrant tourist area with hotels, restaurants and outdoorshops. Briefing hotel where we will be discussing the technicalities of the trek..In the evening you enjoy a welcome dinner with cultural Dance. Overnight stay at Hotel. Welcome to Nepal

Day 02: Kathmandu – Lukla – Phakding (2,800m)
In the morning we will fly from Kathmandu to Lukla (2,800m). We set out on a trail that leads north from the airstrip to the edge of Lukla Plateau. After, an easy walk through several villages we will reach Phakding (2,800m). We will have done a relaxing 4-5 hours walk and will settle in at the guest house by late afternoon tea time.

Day 03: Phakding – Namche Bazaar (2,800m – 3,440m)
We begin the days hike following up a soft trail passing thru several villages and into a beautiful pine forest, arriving in Jorsalee (2800m). From Jorsalee we follow the Dudhkosi River for about one hour and begin a steep trail ascent to reach Namche. Namche Bazaar is the administrative capital of the region; historically it was the staging point for trading expeditions to Tibet and to this day its Saturday market remains an important event bringing traders from villages a week’s walk away. We will settle in here to allow an acclimatization day. While here we will take a hike to Thame, where intricately carved mane stones mark the path to this large valley with a picturesque gompa on the hillside overlooking the valley. The trail is mixed steep and casual and from it you will receive your first breath taking view of Mount’s Everest (8,848m), Nuptse (7,879m) and Lhotse (8,383m). Walking time takes about 4-5 hours from Namche Bazaar. We will relax and repair to good food and friends in the Tea House on this night.

Day 04: Namche Bazaar Explore Everest View Hotel – Khumjung Valley Excursion- Rest Day (3,440m – 3,790m)
We will spend a full day in Namche Bazaar, enjoying the markets and, or hiking as individuals prefer. From the Bazaar the trail leads a steep one hour climb to Shyangboche. From the top of Shyangboche, one can rest and soak in the majesty of Mount’s Everest (8848m), Ama Dablam (6856m), Themserku (6608m), Nuptse (7879m), and Lotse (8383m). Full of the splendor we will take the trail down to Khumjung, where we can see the Sir Edmund Hillary School and hospital. Our total walk on this day will be about 3-4 hours. We will remain in our Tea House for a second night.

Day 05: Namche-Dole (4,200m)
We will wake early in order to climb to the Thame monastery, and enjoy its quiet simplicity before the sun is too high. Resting there for a bit in the hallowed grounds before reversing our hike and then skirting across the top of Namche before climbing to Syangboche, and through to two serene Sherpa villages, Khumjung 3790 m and Khunde 3890 m. Sir Edmund Hillary established his first hospital in Khunde and a school in Khumjung. The Khumjung Gompa (Temple by another name) possesses what the villagers consider to be proof of the Yeti. This is the primary area for Yeti sightings and the locals might regale you with many of their stories. We will have advanced our proximity to the base camp by about 4.5 hours when we overnight in Dole at our next guesthouse.

Day 06: Dole-Machhermo (4,470m)
Leaving the main trail to Mt. Everest, we will climb high on a ridge to 4000m past a large chorten (Temple) at the village of Mong, said to be the birthplace of the Saint Lama Sange Dorje; the reincarnate lama of Rongbuk Monastery in Tibet, who introduced Buddhism to the Khumbu. From there we will descend to the village of Phortse Tenga by the Dudh Kosi (river). From Phortse the trail climbs steeply through forests of rhododendrons (not in bloom at this time) followed by stands of juniper and large conifers as the altitude increases. You will pass through Sherpa kharkas (high pasture summer settlements used by Sherpas to graze their herds of yaks allowing their lower winter pastures to recover), and the villages of Tongba 3950m and Gyele 3960m on our way to Dole. You will have great views of Khumbila and Tawachee peaks throughout the day. walking time 4-5 hours. Once in Machhermo we will settle in for yet another relaxing and refreshing night the teahouse.

Day 07: Machhermo-Gokyo (4,790m)
Today you have a short and fairly leisurely trek to allow you to acclimatize to the altitude. In the morning there is a steep but beautiful climb through conifer and rhododendron forests and stands of juniper to Lhabarma 4220m and Luza 4360m. There are kharkas ( pasture settlements) wherever there is a flat spot and the slightest hint of water. We will continue to climb along the side of the valley, high above the river to Machhermo (4,410m.) for about 4-5 hours where we will arrive at a splendid and inviting guesthouse for the evenings repair.

Day 08:Explore Gokyo Lake –Gokyo Ri Peak (5360M)

Gokyo Ri, at 5,483m, is a fantastic viewpoint to admire the vast panorama of the Khumbu mountains. We set off early and climb the steep slopes to reach the top. The mountains you can see include the majestic Everest, Nuptse, Cho Oyu and other giants. You can also see the Gokyo valley beneath. After having a satisfying observation of the mountains, we head back to Gokyo.

Day 09: Hike to Nine Lake- Cho Oyu Base camp ( 5300M ) Return to Gokyo.
After breakfast you will hike to the Cho Oyu Base Camp and return back to the Gokyo Lake. The astounding scenery of Gokyo and the Cho Oyu Base Camp is the best part of the trek to Cho Oyu Base Camp Trek.

Day 10:Gkoyo– Thangna/ (4700m)
with mesmerizing views of the fine mountains and natural beautyin tehe morning ,heading towards Thangna which is considered the base of Cho -La Pass. It is a wonderful trip from Gokyo Lake to Thangna (4700m). In Thangna the teahouse facilities are fairly basic, but the food is fine and comfort easily had. This day’s walk is yet again 4-5 hours in duration.

Day 11: Thagna (Cho la Pass ) trek to Dzonglha (4830m):
A day of excitement; we will rise around 4am in Cross Cho La pass (5300 meters) then trek to Dzongla (4830m). in order to reach the pass by 9-10AM. Much later than this and the weather conditions will greatly affect our journey. We cross over at an altitude of 5330 meters where we may be exposed to strong winds that grow stronger with the day. We start to climb steeply on a well worn and easy to follow path. We may at this point encounter some snow with this altitude. As you reach the top, you are rewarded by the most magnificent views yet of Lhotse, Ama Dablam, Thamserku, and Mt. Everest. The trail will descend steeply now towards Dzonglha (4,830 m) passing once again, rich pine forests; actual walking time on this day 6-7 hours. We will settle in for the night in Dzonglha at a very comfortable teahouse.

Day 12: Dzonglha– Dingbouche (4,240m):
At Dzonglha, the trail leads to Dingboche affords some of the most beautiful sights one will ever imagine of Mt. Everest (8,848m), Ama Dablam (6,856m), Themserku (6,608m), Nuptse (7,879m), and Lhotse (8,383m). Walking time takes about 4-5 hours. We will sleep well in the guest house in an area of penetrating mystical beauty. For those who have signed on for the Island Peak dingboche is meeting point of climbers hubs.

Day 13: Dingboche ( 4600M ) Ama Dablam Base Camp- Return to Pangboche (3985M):
Today, you’ll cross the Imja Khola river before starting the ascent toward Ama Dablam. This is an incredible trek as you leave almost all other trekkers behind and visit far less traveled trails. You’ll reach Ama Dablam Basecamp in time for lunch, taking in the incredible views and where you can celebrate reaching your goal before heading back down the trail and back to Pangboche.

Day 14: Tengboche to Phortse Village (3680M)
You’ll start with a climb past the monastery in Upper Pangboche and then trek one of the most spectacular trails in all of the Everest region. It is the high trail to the less often visited village of Phortse (3800m) which is home to many Everest climbers.

Day 15: Phortse Village to Monjo (2800M )
You drop steeply down to cross the river at Photse Tenga, before climbing to Mong La (3973m), which offers your last stunning views of Ama Dablam. You then descend and rejoin the main Everest Trail to Namche Bazaar and continue down to the village of Monjo.

Day 16: Monjo to Lukla
After breakfast in Monjo, begin the final day of the trek as you head along the Dudh Kosi river to Lukla. You’ll first walk from Monjo to Ghat and stop for lunch before continuing to make your way through villages like Chumoa, Benkar, Phakding, and Chuthawa, eventually reaching the Pasang Lhamu Memorial Gate signifying the end of the trek. Though most of the route is an easy downhill slope, the last section of trail before arriving takes you uphill—a fitting way to finish. With Lukla’s handful of shops, bars, and cafes—and even a faux Starbucks!—there are plenty of things to occupy your time as you reflect on your experience.

Day 17: Lukla to Kathmandu on schedule flight

Day 18: optional individual interest for shopping gift to family members, spa massage- Free day in Kathmandu and farewell dinner.

Day 19: free time until departure .


Dear Guests,
Namaste ! We are very pleased that you have planned your trek with Hiking Adventure Trek . The idea of this hand out is to furnish you with information for your pre-trek preparations.

Firstly, we recommend that you travel light. A good sized duffel bag with a top length zipper that can lock is best, together with a day pack for carrying personal items on the trek. An extra smaller bag would be handy to carry back your souvenirs after the trip.


On your arrival in Kathmandu, we will arrange to meet for a pre-trek briefing. Full information on all aspects of your trek, questions and doubts will be discussed. On trek your Sherpa leader (sardar) will give you more details about the route, villages, people and other information regarding the trek.

Please bear in mind the domestic airline baggage weight restrictions when packing. In this matter we request you to try and limit your baggage to around 15 kgs. (about 35 lbs.). You may leave behind part of your luggage in your hotel or our locker room before the trek, in Kathmandu. All baggage are to be clearly marked and locked. Kindly refrain from carrying or wearing valuables on the trek. You may leave them behind at the safety deposit box at your hotel or with us.

Your clothes and equipment should fall into the following 4 categories:

1. What you are going to leave behind in Kathmandu.
2. What you are going to wear on the trail.
3. What you are going to carry in your daypack.
4. What you would like the porters to carry for you.

Excess clothes and luggage can be stored in your hotel’s storeroom, and valuables in the safety deposit box. Please label your luggage and make sure to take a receipt from the front desk of your hotel for all the things you would like to leave behind while you are away.


On the trek Hiking Adventure Treks will serve you wholesome food for replenishment and to meet your energy requirement. Special dietary requirements can be provided on request. The menu for the trek will be discussed on the pre-trek briefing. Our cooks are trained in matters of hygiene and cooking and even the dishes are washed in mild disinfectant solution. The water provided is pressure boiled and iodized. Water bottles may be filled at night so that you have cool water to drink the following day. Mineral water in bottles can be bought on many trek routes.

Will consist of one English speaking Sirdar or Escort who will be wholly responsible for the execution of the trip once it hits the trail. He will be assisted by Sherpas who will pitch the Tents, serve food and guide the members on the trail. Cooks, assisted by necessary kitchen staff, will do the cooking and surprise you with both western and local culinary delights in remote conditions.

Group camping equipment including high quality A-shaped and Dome tents, comfortable double layered foam mattresses with pillows, spacious dining tent with folding tables and comfortable chairs with necessary cutleries and all kitchen utensils and stoves in addition to food on the trip.

For persons who purchase the whole vacation package from us, we will also provide pick-up and drop at Kathmandu Airport, domestic surface / air transport, welcome drink and hotel in Kathmandu with American breakfast. The price of the trip does not include the hire of sleeping bags and down parkas, personal expenses like laundry and bar bills, tips and gratuities.

A normal day on trek would start at about 6:00 am with a wake up call and a cup of steaming tea, coffee or hot chocolate served in your tent, followed by a bowl of hot water for washing – also delivered outside your tent. Breakfast will be prepared and served at the dining table and we advise guests to pack their bags and leave it outside their tents so that the Sherpa boys can load them on the porter’s baskets.

The morning part of the trip would begin after breakfast and last about three to four hours when a stop for lunch would be made. The afternoon part of the trip will be another two to three hours to camp where tea, coffee and snacks will be waiting. Relax through the evening until dinnertime. After dinner you have the choice of sharing yarns with your

A dugout latrine will be made at every camp and a toilet tent pitched over it. Folding toilet seats can be arranged on prior request. Toilet paper will be provided. Limited hot water and Dettol soap will be provided twice a day for washing. The streams and rivers, and at times hot springs along the trail helps.

Your Sherpa guide/escort can help you plan your daily wear before each day’s walk. Please carry an extra shirt or a T-shirt and a light jacket in your backpack. The mountain air is cold, so you can keep dry and warm after sweats and chills.

Your daypack, preferably waterproof should be light, small and comfortable. All small personal items like toilet paper, water bottle, medicines, extra shirt, light warm wears, rain gear, gloves etc., that may be needed for the days trek should be packed. Your duffel will be carried by porters who may not be with you at all times.

Your personal belongings will be looked after by our staff so please help them by not leaving them unattended in villages and other public places. Campfires will be enjoyed wherever dead wood and driftwood are available. We do not want to add to the large-scale deforestation problem in the country. You will find the Nepalese people friendly, charming, inquisitive and quite ignorant about the west. We request you to maintain and follow the local customs. Handouts by trekkers have led to increase begging especially among village children, affecting their independent-spirited nature. As dental hygiene is a big problem no chocolate and sweets for the children, please. The Sherpa leader/Escort can advise you if you are keen to help locally.

You may want to buy drinks at wayside shops and souvenirs from the natives. Small change should be carried. As customary, we can help discuss in detail in the pre-trek briefing.


Light clothing is only for short treks up to seven days at altitudes up to 6000ft (1830m) during fall (autumn) from September to November and in spring between March to May. The other months at all altitudes will be cold and at most times the temperatures will be below zero.

You will need hiking boots with ankle support, sneakers for flat trails and flip-flops or chappals for use around the camp.

Shirts, T-shirts (4), blouse, etc., for daywear and a woolen shirt for evenings.

MEN: Shorts, cotton trousers, jeans, sweat pant (recon-mended) etc.

LADIES: Shorts (not too short!), long skirts are acceptable in well-trekked areas,
Jeans or trousers if preferred. Sweat pants are recommended.

Undergarments & Socks:
Thermal underwear and inner trouser for the above 7,000 ft. treks. Thick trek socks.

Warm Clothes:
A light sweater, a windcheater or light lined/padded jacket and down jacket or parka for above 7000 ft. treks. Woolen thick cap and warm gloves.

Sun / Rain:
Rain gear or umbrella and a sun hat is essential. Goabal warming has led to freak weather conditions and it has become more and more difficult to predict weather conditions.

Personal Equipment (for trekking) that you should bring with you:
• A pair of light hiking boots.
• A pair of sandals.
• Some pairs of woolen socks.
• One light wool / fleece sweat1er.
• One down sweater / jacket.
• One light wind Gore-Tex jacket and one light wind Gore-Tex pant.
• A pair of Gore-Tex glove shells with liner or ski gloves.
• One sunscreen lotion
• A one – litter water bottle and purifier.
• Two T – shirts and one long sleeve T – shirts.
• Rucksack
• Flashlight (extra batteries)
• Camera and photo films as per your interest.
• Sun hat.
• One trekking baggy pants.
• First aid kit
• Toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, toilet rolls, bath towel etc) and more necessary personal clothes,
• Travel Insurance:

Make sure to have both medical and evacuation insurance before coming to Nepal for Everest Trek

HOW TO PACK trekking gear

  • In The Day Pack: In The Duffel Bag:
  • Sun glasses Towels
  • Moisturizing/Sun screen lotion Flash light
  • Prescribed medicines Spare batteries
  • Camera and spare film Toiletries
  • Binoculars-optional Washing soap
  • Reading Reference book/Note book Spare clothes all wrapped in plastic bags
  • Pencil/Pen / Water bottles/ Trek permits
  • Toilet paper
  • Umbrella/rain gear / Sweater

Additional Items:
For most treks from mid-November till mid-February and for those above 10,000 ft./3000 m., in Spring and Autumn, anti-dazzle glasses or goggles with side attachments are recommended and High altitude food supplements (favorite snacks) if necessary.

Although Hiking Adventure Treks provides sleeping bags on request, it is best to bring your own if you wish. You may have your sleeping bags checked during the pre-trek briefing to make sure that it is the right one for the trek you will be going on.

In the event of an accident or serious ailment on a trek, helicopter evacuation can be arranged. The helicopter fare charge and the hospital/medical charge will have to be cleared before departing from Kathmandu. It is advisable to leave behind approximately US$ 500 per person for an emergency back up measure.

There are no reliable medical insurance policies in Nepal for foreigners. We strongly recommend you to take a comprehensive holiday insurance in your own country covering adventures involving some elements of risk, especially to cover Emergency Helicopter Evacuation.

Trekking in the Nepal Himalayas by Stan Armington published by the Lonely Planets books provides you comprehensive information on all matters regarding trekking in Nepal

The Trekkers Peaks of Nepal by Bill O’Connor published by Crow Wood press in U.K. provides you with information on all matters regarding climbing peaks in Nepal.

Trekking in Nepal by Toru Nakano published by Allied Publishers gives you some insight into some important trekking areas in Nepal. A map of Nepal is enclosed in the book.




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